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Products / Aquaculture
The Activa SmartTop aquaculture buoy is a long sought after addition to our product line. With its new and improved fitting, corrosion has been eliminated & the buoy’s weight significantly reduced. With major focus on…
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The Activa 1600 PWX GPS is a marking light developed by Ovun and has been designed for aquaculture facilities and in line with the requirements from local authorities for use longside the Norwegian coastline. Activa…
Activa 1800 GPS consists of a rotational molded yellow mast, battery assembly, radar reflector and LED lights with GPS receiver. The LED lights have a very low power consumption and complies with the IALA recommendations….
Activa is our complete product range of buoys and equipment specially designed for aquaculture and fish farming. In the development of the Activa series, we have built on our expertise and long experience with production…
In the development of the Activa series, we have built on our expertise and long experience with production of buoyancy to the offshore industry worldwide. A lot of the learning we have obtained from some…