Oct 27, 2020

Norwegian Retailers’ Environment Fund visits PartnerPlast AS

Visit from Rasmus Hansson (CEO) from Norwegian Retailers’ Environment Fund

From left: Tom Samuelsen (CEO) PartnerPlast AS and Rasmus Hansson (CEO) Norwegian Retailers’ Environment Fund

Reduce plastic pollution and increase the recycling of plastics

Representatives from the Norwegian Retailers’ Environment Fund visited PartnerPlast on Wednesday 21st October 2020. This is Norway’s largest private environmental fund and supports both national and international projects that aims to reduce plastic pollution and increase the recycling of plastics. The delegation consisted of Rasmus Hansson (CEO), Mari Nordstrøm (CMO) and Lars Brede Johansen (Analyst Environment & Society).

 “Norway’s capital of plastics”

On the agenda was an introduction of Åndalsnes as “Norway’s capital of plastics” and a visit to Plasto as well as a brief presentation of Wonderland. Working lunch including an introduction of Nordveggen followed by a visit to the PartnerPlast head office and a tour of the manufacturing site. We also managed to squeeze in an introduction of Nordic Plastic Recycling. The delegation gave positive feedback and indicated well invested time spent in Åndalsnes gaining increased knowledge of plastic production in particular.