Mar 31, 2020
PartnerPlast to produce 8000 bend stiffeners for ASN

Partnerplast has been awarded a contract by Alcatel Submarine Networks (ASN) for the production of polyurethane (PU) bend stiffeners in respect of their system for permanent reservoir monitoring at the Johan Castberg field in the Barents Sea. The bend stiffeners, around 8000 pieces, will be produced in our modern PU factory in Moelv, Norway, and thereafter shipped to ASN’s facility in Calais, France, where the parts will be assembled to seismic sensors and cables.
“We are very happy for this opportunity to work together with ASN on this project” says Tore Lien, Sales Manager at Partnerplast’s PU-Division in Moelv, Norway. “It gives us the opportunity to further develop our production methods and will keep one of our PU-lines busy for several months during the first half of 2020”.
Partnerplast has been involved in the development of the first prototypes of the bend stiffener and has now established an efficient manufacturing method for delivering large volumes.
We have invested in a new production line for PU elastomers in order to maintain existing production capacity as well as the ability to serve new customers. Our expertise is in the production of high quality protection products for the oil and gas industry and we deliver both custom made products as well as standard products.

Bend Stiffener