Oct 6, 2020

Two new apprentices

Lars Kristiansen Lundli, our new apprentice in Molde.

Our departments in Molde and Moelv are both certified in-service training establishments and have welcomed two new apprentices.

– Lars Kristiansen Lundli started working with us in August as an apprentice in the field of computer electronics. His apprenticeship runs over 2,5 years, and also contains a web-based theoretical part in these three subjects: HSE, entrepreneurship and networking. This is our first apprentice, says Magne Farstad, Head of our Electronics Department.

Our department in Moelv is also approved as an in-service training establishment and has employed Amund Nyhus Solheim on a 2-year apprenticeship in the subject of CNC machining.

Tore Myrvold, Leader of the CNC subject at Molstad and apprentice Amund Nyhus Solheim.

– Amund is skilled, willing to learn and a smiling boy. To add youthful courage into a professional and strong company brings exciting opportunities, says Tore Myrvold, Leader of the CNC subject at Molstad.

We welcome Amund and Lars to the team and look forward to their contributions to the corporate culture both professionally and socially.